Upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription

How do I cancel or pause my paid subscription?

You can downgrade your subscription to the free tier anytime by going to your Billing Settings and clicking "Cancel Plan".

Cancelling a subscription on one profile will not cancel the subscription on other profiles with independent subscription payments.

How do I upgrade a profile to a paid subscription?

You can upgrade your subscription anytime by going to your Billing Settings and clicking "Upgrade Profile".

You can then select subscription tiers and add-ons.

How do I downgrade a profile to a lower tier of paid subscription, or remove add-ons?

You can downgrade your subscription anytime by going to your Billing Settings and clicking "Change Plan".

You can then select a lower subscription tiers and remove unwanted add-ons.

How do I purchase add-ons?

You can purchase add-ons by going to your Billing Settings and clicking "Change Plan".

Then, you can add add-ons from the page that pops up, in step 2.

Last updated